Stories By Monique de Smit
Scouting new jumping talent made easier with
28 June 2021Sport horses are being discovered at an increasingly younger age, have already been sold abroad as...
NK Dressuur
KNHS Championship Small Tour and ZZ-Zwaar on August 10th and 11th
26 June 2021The KNHS Championship will be organized in Ermelo on the 10th and 11th of August for...
EC Vilamoura
Teams for European Championship Jumping Youth Vilamoura announced
21 June 2021National coaches Edwin Hoogenraat and Luc Steeghs have announced their teams for the European Jumping Championships...
Pavo Cup
Pavo Cup selection dates announced
18 June 2021This year the Pavo Cup selection will take place according to a new selection formula. There...
CPEDI de Peelbergen
Young Para-dressage talent Tobias Thorning Jørgensen: “My ultimate dream? Competing with my mother at the WEG in Herning”
12 June 2021For many riders present this weekend at Equestrian Centre The Peelbergen, this CPEDI is an important...
CDEPI Peelbergen
On the road to Tokyo: todays winners at CPEDI The Peelbergen
11 June 2021Today was the first day of the CPEDI3* at Equestrian Centre de Peelbergen in the Netherlands....
Dressuurteams EK Junioren en Young Riders zijn bekend
9 June 2021Monique Peutz, bondscoach van de Junioren en Young Riders dressuur, heeft de namen van de combinaties...
CHIO Rotterdam
Dressuurploeg TeamNL voor CHIO Rotterdam bekend
7 June 2021Bondscoach Alex van Silfhout heeft de dressuurploeg bekend gemaakt die TeamNL zal vertegenwoordigen in de FEI...
NK Dressuur
De Koeyer wint titel in laatste U-25 jaar
6 June 2021Na het zilver vorig jaar sluit Jasmien de Koeyer (Koewacht) haar loopbaan in de U-25 af...
NK Dressuur
Marten Luiten oppermachtig bij de Young Riders
6 June 2021Marten Luiten (Winschoten) was oppermachtig op het NK Young Riders. Met de merrie Fynona kwam hij...